Why Don't You Reach Your Goals?
06/08/19 20:35
You've got dreams! You've got goals! Some big, some small, perhaps some even outrageous. So how come you haven't realized your dreams or reached your goals? What has gotten in your way? What stopped you?
Your boss? Your spouse or significant other? Your parents and or family? That evil guy/gal who has it out for you? The government?
The trick to achieving your dreams and goals is clearly being focused on them and persistent, of course. But merely being focused and persistent isn't enough to get you there. Getting yourself grounded, consciously evaluating your thinking and behaviours and your emotions at this moment - seeing whether or not those behaviours are ineffective or effective will help you move towards your goals and happiness. If you have studied any psychology you'll see that these lists of ineffectives are prevalent in those of us who go through life in "victim thinking". Victim thinking keeps us from progressing, from taking risks, from living life to its fullest but it does give us the gains in column 4. Gains that stop us from achieving our dreams and goals.
I tell you what's gotten in your way - YOU!
That's right, you stopped you!!! You need to get out of your own way to get what it is you say you want. You have developed ineffective attitudes, behaviours and emotions that have been giving you the "gains" you consciously or unconsciously have wanted. Gains that aren't in line with your dreams or goals. Gains that may be seen as positive or negative. So how do you get rid of these ineffective characteristics? You first need to bring them to the light of day, to identify them and understand how they keep stoking those gains that leave you short and/or unsatisfied in your life. Here's a list of ineffective attitudes, behaviours and emotions and the sorts of gains that leave you stuck and well short of your dreams or goal attainment. See if any of these types of thinking or behaviours or emotions are ruining your chances of happiness.The trick to achieving your dreams and goals is clearly being focused on them and persistent, of course. But merely being focused and persistent isn't enough to get you there. Getting yourself grounded, consciously evaluating your thinking and behaviours and your emotions at this moment - seeing whether or not those behaviours are ineffective or effective will help you move towards your goals and happiness. If you have studied any psychology you'll see that these lists of ineffectives are prevalent in those of us who go through life in "victim thinking". Victim thinking keeps us from progressing, from taking risks, from living life to its fullest but it does give us the gains in column 4. Gains that stop us from achieving our dreams and goals.